As a new teacher, it can be rather daunting to speak with parents. First year teachers don’t always have the experience or the confidence needed to communicate with parents effectively. The most important element, when speaking with parents, is to have evidence and examples to support the information you are relaying. This is especially important when discussing behavioral issues. Make sure to document all behaviors with specific instances so you can give the parent a clear understanding of the behaviors you observe. It is always a good idea to lead with positive comments, then follow with the more unfavorable comments. If you feel uncomfortable meeting with a parent alone, don’t be afraid to ask for assistance from your administrator and/or support staff.
Open and continuous communication with parents builds a strong, supportive relationship between the school and home. It is important for students to feel supported by their parents as well as their teacher. When parents take an active role and are kept apprised of their child’s learning, students are more successful. There are several teacher sites such as Remind and Class Dojo that allow teachers to communicate with parents in an immediate and concise manner. Documenting all parent communication is important and strongly advised. -Christina Foster- Educator Care